The Crew

KowPop is run by siblings with a passion (or you might call it an obsession) for all things manga and anime. This is our way of engaging with fandom communities and the media we love on another level.


“Kk” runs our social media accounts. If you’re interacting with one of us on Instagram, Twitter, or Etsy, it’s probably them. Kk creates prints and finalizes designs for the store.


When she’s not working behind the scenes on KowPop admin or coming up with product ideas, Shisa is our cosplayer extraordinaire. Winner of the inaugural Crunchyroll Hime’s Cosplay Cup Rising Star Award and always crafting away on her next big costume.


Now that conventions are coming back, Taira is our full-time sounding board and part-time pack mule. You might find her at cons either helping us navigate through crowds with low-visibility costumes on, snapping pictures, or working behind the Artist Alley table.

Follow us on social Media

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter to see what’s new.